
(一版)為提升2018花博安全維護,本局、環保局與環保署毒物及化學物質局合辦化學災害搶救訓練 作者:教育訓練科技佐 張良安
譯者:第一救災救護大隊副大隊長 楊世葆
In order to manage various kinds of chemical disasters and crises, the Taichung City Fire Department, Environmental Protection Bureau and Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan jointly held 5 training classes of basic chemical disasters rescue and 2 of chemical disaster commander from December 2017 to June 2018 for amount to 280 firefighters to improve their ability of chemical disasters rescue.

The Taichung World Flora Exposition will be held from November 3rd 2018 to April 24th 2019. Every potential disaster is frightening and can’t be ignored, one of that is chemical disaster. It will cause huge danger if not be careful enough because of its variety, complication, toxicity, quality of flammable, corrosive, explosive and emitting flammable gases when in contact with water. So it is time to start improving chemical disaster training courses.

The first class of this training program had been held in December 18th to 22nd 2017, not only Taichung Fire Department but also Miaoli County Fire Bureau, Changhua County Fire Bureau and Taichung Harbor Fire Brigade of the National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior sent total of 40 firefighters to join this training.

訓練課程導入兵棋模擬推演及10套虛擬實境課程(3D VR),為全國首創,透過課程使學員於預設之情境模擬災害搶救,更有臨場感,並藉由完整基礎化學災害事故搶救訓練課程,以期提升消防人員對於化學災害應變及搶救效能。
The training course involved 10 scenarios simulation with 3D VR and that is the first time used in fire training around the country. The trainees can do more realistic practice of rescue training in pre-set scenarios. By these complicated and perfect training courses, they can highly improve their ability of chemical disaster rescue.

The jointly training is held by Taichung City Fire Department, Environmental Protection Bureau and Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan. It can connect these organizations together and make them understand each other better, improve every level of chemical disaster rescue workers the ability doing their job to give the citizens more safety life.
最後異動時間:2018-01-04 10:21:00
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