
(一版)慶祝107年119消防節「感恩消防員,有您真好」感恩大會 作者:第六救災救護大隊隊員 顏志軒
譯者:第一救災救護大隊副大隊長 楊世葆


The Fire Department of Taichung City Government held the Fire Service Anniversary Celebration “Thanks to all firefighters, it’s nice to be with you” in January 16th, 2018. The mayor, Chia-Lung Lin gave prize to the well-performance firefighters, volunteer firefighters, emergency medical technicians who successfully saved those OHCA (Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest) persons and all the stuff of micro movies workers who made 7 movies in 2017. He also gave recognition to their contribution on disaster rescuing, fire prevention and emergency medical service. The deputy mayor Yiying-Lin was also present and encouraged all the firefighters.

  為感念消防人員、義消、婦宣及救護志工平時對於消防工作付出,救人為己任的無私奉獻精神,特請來惠文國小合唱團前來獻唱祝福辛苦的消防員,第六及第七婦宣中隊也帶來精采舞蹈,同時發表2部微電影「Firefighters ─守護人民的無名英雄」、「Open and Safe ─為自己的生命開一扇窗」(防範一氧化碳中毒),其中「Firefighters ─守護人民的無名英雄」的詞曲都是由消防役男自行編製的。另外川堂亦輪播消防微電影及幕後花絮,更準備了豐盛的餐點以Buffet方式提供現場參加人員享用,讓消防員及眷屬們有賓至如歸的感覺,整個感恩大會內容相當多元豐富、場面是既熱鬧又溫馨。

To express the gratitude to all firefighters, volunteer firefighters, volunteer fire prevention promotion women and volunteer emergency medical technicians for their gives and unselfish contribution on fire service. The student choir of Hui-Wen elementary school sang songs for these hard working firefighters. The 6th and 7th volunteer fire prevention promotion women also brought the amazing dance, then they showed 2 new micro movies “Firefighters - the unsung heroes of people protecting” and “Open and Safe – open a window for your life (the prevention of carbon monoxide poison).” And there is one special thing that the theme song of “Firefighters - the unsung heroes of people protecting”, in which the music composing and lyrics writing are both by a fire service alternative service conscript. Besides, other micro movies and behind the scenes of which played by rotation in the entrance hall. They prepared a feast buffet for everyone in the site, and that did make all firefighters and their family feel good and enjoy. The celebration party was full of fun and warm.


The Fire Department said that fire service anniversary celebration this year were managed to a serious of activities. It was opening with this party and then three fire prevention promotion activities will be held. It includes the 1st one at Pacific Department Store in FENG YUAN District on January 19th, the 2nd one at Tiger City Shopping Mall in Nantun District on January 20th and the 3rd one at Yanagawa Blue-Ribbon River Shore Walkway in Central District on January 28th. By these fire prevention activities, citizens can understand one thing “an ounce of fire prevention is better than a pound of fire extinguishment.” I must remind every resident in the city “please be careful of using fire and electric power, because it is easy to forget keeping safe when in Chinese New Year.”
最後異動時間:2018-04-20 13:34:00
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