
(一版)臺中市政府辦理107年災害防救演習暨2018臺中世界花卉博覽會緊急應變演練 作者:災害管理科科員 尤英龍
譯者:第一救災救護大隊副大隊長 楊世葆

為因應「2018臺中世界花卉博覽會」期間遭遇複合式災害,以及強化本市面對大規模災害之整備與應變能力,臺中市政府於107年5月3日於后里區麗寶樂園渡假區OUTLET MALL第二停車場舉行「107年災害防救演習暨2018臺中世界花卉博覽會緊急應變演練」,現場由林佳龍市長擔任指揮官,並由蔡英文總統親臨現場督導演練過程。

In order to prepare for the possibility of compound disasters during the “Taichung World Flora Exposition 2018” and improve the agility and responsiveness in emergency situations, Taichung City Government held the “Disaster Prevention and Taichung World Flora Exposition Emergency Respond Exercise 2018” in Lihpao Land Amusement Park on May 3rd. The mayor, Lin Chia-lung was the commanding officer in the exercise, and the president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-Wen came to personally supervise the entire process.


This exercise contained 5 stages and 23 scenarios. These scenarios include biohazards caused by plants and animals in the expedition site, shuttle bus hostage crisis, earthquake, survivor recue underneath the collapsed buildings, mass casualty incident (MCI), HAZMAT response, mudslide warning and responsive operations management, disease prevention, emergency shelter preparation, rear supply logistics and disaster recovery. The Taichung City Government aimed to make the exercise scenarios as realistic as possible.


The exercise referenced past natural disasters of Taichung City and simulated every critical situation possible during Taichung World Flora Exposition 2018. State-owned enterprises, private corporations and social groups all participated in the exercise. The fire departments of Miaoli County, Nantou County and Changhua County dispatched personnel and vehicles for this event. The National Airborne Service Corps from Ministry of the Interior and the 602 brigade of the Republic of China Airforce and Special Forces Command sent helicopters to back up. The exercise also served as the perfect testing ground for advanced technology equipment such as Thermal Image Camera(TIC), Life Detector and Real-Time Image Transmission System. During this exercise, drones were utilized to consolidate the chain of command. For further assurance, volunteer fire departments such as Taichung City Pangolin Rescue Association, Taichung City Yixing Rescue Association, Taichung City Plum Blossom Rescue Association, Taichung City Qingxi Rescue Association, Taichung City Metro Rescue Association, Taichung City Wufeng Rescue Association, Taichung City Dadu Hefong Rescue Association also joined this exercise. The amount of resources mobilized included 1134 firefighters, 153 ground vehicles, 4 rescue dogs, 2 search dogs, 6 drones and 3 helicopters. The exercise was grand in scale and yet realistic. It demonstrated the result of firefighters’ rigorous daily trainings.


New methods were introduced in the exercise. In the simulated scenario, Typhoon and earthquake caused buildings to collapse, which resulted in mass casualties. The ways of communication were cutoff, and the injured needs immediate medical attention. In response, the 602 brigade of ROC Army Aviation and Special Forces Command immediately dispatched the U-60M Black Hawk helicopter with Special Force Team on board to air-drop supplies. The Medical Affairs Bureau acted in accordance with the order given by the Special Force Emergency Medical Rescue, finding a suitable high ground for helicopter rescue sling operation, so to raise the quality and success rate of Emergency Medical Service.


“Taichung World Flora Exposition 2018” will be held in November of this year. After this exercise, the Taichung City Government successfully accessed the readiness of disaster management and once again proved the well-known Chinese saying: “Disaster rescue is good, disaster prevention is better and disaster awareness is the best amongst the trio.” We expect to specialize in disaster prevention and improve people’s knowledge and awareness, so to quickly synchronize the army, government and citizens during critical situations.


Lihpao Land Amusement Park gave high praises to the effort Taichung City Fire Department made during Tainan earthquake disaster rescue operations in 2016 and Hualien earthquake disaster rescue operation this year. Not only did Lihpao Land Amusement Park provided ground for exercise, but donated over 3 million New Taiwanese dollar of heavy rescue equipment to Taichung City Fire Department to help further fortify the Special Rescue Team’s skill and to recognize their bravery.


The rescue dog “Tie-xiong”, who had an extraordinary performance in Hualien earthquake disaster, also participated in the exercise. Tie-xiong found a trapped victim underneath a collapsed building in the simulation and received grand applause from the audience.


During the concluding ceremony, the president Tsai Ing-Wen gave compliment to all participants for their hard work and venerated mayor Lin Chia-lung’s leadership. Taichung City Government showed its capability for disaster prevention and is ready to take on the challenge of Taichung World Flora Exposition 2018.
最後異動時間:2018-07-18 13:34:00
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