
(一版)本局三棲立體救災演訓 十九甲分隊隊員 施智偉
Triphibian three-dimensional rescue is a rescue mission which includes powered paraglider to execute rescue mission, and is also the first time to combine powered paraglider to assist in rescue mission in Taiwan. It could be used for missions such as rescue people who stuck on sandbank, drop buoyant apparatus from the sky to the sandbank, carry patient in a short distance, and assist in search and rescue along the river course.
Triphibian specialized rescue volunteer branch, specialized rescue corporation, and the 3rd emergency and rescue corporation participated in this drill and training. The rehearsal dates are November 2nd and 4th; and the formal drill and training date is November 5th. Triphibian Specialized Rescue Volunteer Branch brought several powered paraglider, the 3rd Emergency and Rescue Corp. traveled by pneumatic boat, Specialized Rescue Corp. traveled by amphibious powered boat, and every participant wore personal water equipment to cooperate in this drill and training.
正式演訓當日,由臺中市市長、市議員、消防局長及各單位長官貴賓蒞臨。典禮開始前空中小隊動力飛行傘需先熱機並完成升空,典禮開始空中小隊於空中分列式通過觀禮台致敬,接下來動力飛行傘模擬沙洲空投 (操作介紹)、沙洲救援(雙機協同操演模式)為實際溪床沙洲救援操演、短場傷患載運送作業(雙人機性能諸元)、河道搜索配合微波影像立即傳輸至觀禮台等各項操演,操演時間約40分鐘,降落完畢、人員集結。雖短短的40分鐘卻能將動力飛行傘技術發揮的淋漓盡致,堪稱全台首創動力飛行傘是能夠救災地。雖然演訓中間動力飛行傘(雙人機),因種種因素再次起飛失敗,消防救護人員迅速地至現場替飛行人員檢傷,因飛行人員裝備齊全及防護措施做得好沒受傷。是個插曲卻也是現場事故所會遇到的狀況,演訓完畢市長也稱讚消防處理事故很專業。
Taichung City Mayor, municipal councilors, General Director of Fire Bureau, and many other extinguished guests all attended on the formal drill and training day. The powered paraglider need to be heated and blasted off before the ceremony started, and saluted the reviewing stand in line when the ceremony started. Then subsequently, powered paraglider simulated to drop buoyant apparatus on the sandbank from the sky (introduction), display rescuing people who stuck on the sandbank (two powered paragliders cooperating mode), carry patient in a short distance (double powered paraglider’s function), assist in search and rescue along the river course, all the processes were immediately delivered to the reviewing stand, and then landed safely and personnel gathered within 40 minutes. The drill and training lasted for about only 40 minutes but fully displayed powered paraglider skill, and showed powered paraglider could be used in rescue mission for the first time in Taiwan. Although the powered paraglider failed to take off and cause flight crew injured, emergency medical technician immediately took care of flight crew and checked their conditions. It was kind of an accident but also a real situation might actually happen, and the Mayor expressed praise for emergency medical technician’s professional and timely reaction.
I was also a participant in this drill and training, and all the participants arrived early and prepared for better performance on the rehearsal and formal day. We hope to show Mayor, General Director of Fire Bureau, and all other fire units a different way to execute rescue mission, which is innovative powered paraglider three-dimensional rescue. Owing to the addition of powered paraglider, we would make more progress in the future, and ensure more safe life for all people in Taiwan.
最後異動時間:2016-01-20 13:53:00
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