
(一版)救災再昇級,臺中市政府消防局辦理快速救援小組(RIT)訓練 作者/譯者:教育訓練科股長 楊世葆
Fire fighters always save persons in changeable situations and dangerous environment, because they have to go deep into a fire disaster scene to rescue trapped persons. In order to find the point of origin of fire, they may also need stay inside a dark room for a long time. So they usually put themselves in danger. In the past case, there were two firefighters dead in a house factory fire disaster on Boai road in Kaohsiung City and 6 firefighters also dead in a fire disaster at SINWU bowling alley in Taoyuan City. It already becomes an important lesson that how to recognize the location of the stuck one and save him out in a very limit time if there was a firefighter got trapped in the disaster site.

臺中市政府消防局為提昇消防同仁於災害現場自救及快速救出受困救災人員之應變能力,進而提高消防人員的救災存活比例,特聘請住美歸國之消防教官朱憲佑(Alex Chu)前來授課,除針對各種可能發生之災害現場情境模擬外,並參考美國過往實際發生之著名案例,而發展出針對消防人員於災害現場受困時如何快速救出的各種訓練,如:Pittsburg Drill、Denver Drill、Nance Drill…等;讓本市消防局之消防人員在接受美式觀念的衝擊下,能夠沿伸成為本土化的消防基本救災、自救技能,進而達到提昇消防人員於災害現場救人及自救能力之目的。本次參訓學員共計44名,由本市8個外勤大隊加上特搜大隊,特別遴選各所屬表現優秀之消防人員前來參訓,其中更不乏許多火搶教官等級,於105年11月28日至12月2日假本局豐原訓練中心辦理是項訓練。
To raise alive percent of firefighters in rescue , Taichung City Fire Department (TCCFD) invited a very special instructor“ Alex Chu”to teach the trainees for improving their response and rapid rescue ability in emergency. Alex lived in United States for many years, and he prepared many training drills which is aimed at the way how to save the trapped firefighters from a site immediately by referring to the past famous disaster cases. Such as: Pittsburg Drill, Denver Drill, Nance Drill...etc. By embracing the authentic American firefighter concept, not only we can adapt it to become our local firefighter basic rescue and self-rescue skills, but also it can improve firefighters on scene self-rescue skills. There are forty four well performance trainees joined this drill, and they all come from 8 fire battalions and 1 special rescue battalion of TCCFD. Some of they even are senior instructors. This training program was held at Fengyuan training center of TCCFD from November 28th to December 2nd.

本次除聘請朱憲佑(Alex Chu)擔任總教官外,另挑選本局4名具有多項專業證照之優秀同仁擔任助教以協助教學工作。參訓學員皆要求至少具備火搶初級班(Fire Fighter 1)以上之證照,並經由各大隊挑選各所屬災時擔任快速救援小組(RIT)之成員或其他優秀教官,並命其於訓後回到單位擔任種子教官之任務,將此次訓練之收穫轉而教育每一位消防同仁,以:點-線-面之方式將此訓練推廣至全局;朱憲佑(Alex Chu)教官於美國居住期間,長達6年於美國消防單位服務,也取得多項由美國消防協會(National Fire Protection Association,NFPA)相關規定認證之訓練證照資格,並長期擔任各類消防專業訓練教官;此次訓練為其在臺灣第一次針對RIT訓練設計之教學內容,期間與本局學員教學相長,彼此皆吸取許多寶貴經驗,並從中找出適合本國消防RIT人員之訓練模組,準備日後加以推廣至全國。
This time we not only recruited Alex Chu to be our general instructor, but also picked four well performance firefighters of TCCFD with kinds of professional certifications to be the assistant instructors. All the trainees are required to be at least the license of FF1(Fire Fighter 1) or advanced ones, and they may are the RIT members on scene of one battalion or others because of good attitude. After training, they will be assigned as the instructors of their own battalion to teach every firefighters and spread this training concept to whole the fire department. Alex Chu had lived in United States and had been employed as a firefighter there for six years. He has many licenses of professional instructor in fire service which is approved by NFPA ( National Fire Protection Association ) , and because of this he had worked as an instructor of several kinds of fire drill for a long time. This drill is the first time held and specially designed for RIT in Taiwan. Trainees and instructor learned new concept and skills from each other and both got lots of experience. They tried to find a suitable model for “ Taiwanese Fire Service” and hopped it can be promoted to whole the country one day in the future.

There are many courses in this drill which included: Introduction and Concept of RIT, Introduction of RIT Tools, Fire Fighters Self-rescue and “ Mayday”, Firefighter Carrying, Disaster Scene Barriers Simulation, Famous Cases Rescue Simulation, Final Test...,etc. The drill courses were arranged from easy to hard step by step. The first day course included: introduction of theory, tools and origin of name. The trainees did practice such as rapid connection of mask, which could make trainees skillful in connection of switching mask not only in ordinary days but also in emergency. By these kinds of training, firefighters can make the outcome of rescuing people and self-rescue. The second day course was that thinking about if a firefighter unfortunately were stuck, how should he or she make help requesting and self-rescue. For example, to connect a high pressure full-water fire hose between a fire engine and a fire nozzle can be the fire pole for escape. To train the students could pass the test in a difficult situation “blind eyes and hard of hearing”, the instructor and Assistants set a wood horizontal “ tunnel” with ropes crossed in a bad environment by playing the pre-recorded fire scene simulation noise and stayed beside in order to give them a unknown surprise subduing. It was for testing the trainees could use what they had learned in class to make themselves safe or not when in shock.

第三天課程是教導學員各式搬運法,將美國常見之搬運法,如:徒手搬運、破壞工具應用拖拉、扁帶運用拖拉及平面、立體之各項工具運用搬運,一一介紹給學員。第四天課程開始運用模擬災害現場情境及美國著名之RIT救援案例,來訓練學員一些救援技術,Pittsburg Drill是美國消防隊常見的一種訓練方式,RIT需通過3個障礙(窄洞、三角體跨越、狹小橫坑)後發現待救消防員,並設法將其拖拉、搬運回到起點,Denver Drill是模擬美國一真實案例,一處窗邊之狹隘空間,一名消防員待救,RIT要如何運用各種工具及技巧將其於短時間內順利救出;Nance Drill則是模擬消防員昏倒受困於一立坑內,RIT可利用繩索快速合力將其拉出,亦可以無水之水帶代替之,甚者更可以充飽高壓水之密閉溼式水線套於其背架下將其拉出。來到第五天則是成果驗收,首先將學員分成11組RIT,每次由5組進行模擬,1組為IC,2組為Search 1及Search 2,另2組則是RIT 1及RIT 2,在教官及助教精心佈置的地下室場景裏,將這幾日所用到的各項障礙教具設施一一擺上,並大量使用製煙機及播放吵雜火場音效以產生火災現場之臨場感,將RIT所需工具全部置於開始處,由學員自行分配相關任務,決定攜帶之工具,教官則埋伏於室內會給予一些突發之臨時狀況,讓全部學員都能利用這場模擬演練,充分思考要如何將這五天所學真實運用於情境當中。
The third day course was talking about the firefighter carrying. There are many kinds of firefighter carrying, such as carrying by hand, pulling with destroy tools, carrying by using bandlet...,etc. On the fourth day, the instructor started to teach the trainees rescue skill by simulating disaster scene and some famous RIT rescue cases in the United States. One of the most seem training ways is Pittsburg Drill. The RIT must pass three “test” which is passing through a narrow space, climbing over a barrier and final crawling through a two meters long narrow tunnel to find a trapped person(a fake one for training) and then tried to save him back. Denver Drill is based on an actual happening rescue case. One trapped firefighter was waiting for rescue in a narrow space beside the window, and the RIT must figure out the way to save him from danger in a very limited time. Nance Drill is a simulation training of one firefighter falling down a deep hole, and the RIT must find a way of tying the person with ropes or fire hoses to pull him out of the hole. Even can put a full-water fire hose as a “stick” under his SCBA(Self Contain Breathing Apparatus) harness to hold his body and pull him out when in emergency. Coming the fifth day, the final day, the instructor divided the class into eleven groups. Each time five groups were going simulation. One was the IC(Incident Commander), another two were the Search Team one and two, and the final two were the RIT one and two. The instructor and assistants put a lot of effort into arranging the simulation in the basement of building. They set all the items these days in the space with lots of smoke and noise to avoid trainees from seeing or hearing anything, because nobody can see or hear anything in the true fire scene. And all tools the RIT may needs were put in the beginning place, the joining groups must communicate with each other to make decision of what the job of each and what tools were necessary. Once the simulation started the instructor and assistants hid in the dark to see how they did their job, and even may find a good opportunity to give them other tests for realizing if they could use the skills they had learned flexibly to pass the test or not.

臺中市政府消防局目前約7成外勤消防人員,共計762位已擁有FF1證照;CCIO訓練部份:所有分隊長以上均已訓練完畢,105年底前小隊長部份也達到7成的完訓率;局長蕭煥章自從派任到市府擔任消防局長之後,一直積極引進並推廣各項在美國行之有年之作業及教育訓練系統,如:火搶初級班訓練(Fire Fighter1)、災害指揮系統(ICS)、火災搶救指揮班訓練(CCIO)…等,希望籍由學習、吸收過程,進而優化並轉化成適合本土的作業及訓練模式,並從中建立屬於臺中市各項救災及訓練的運作機制;接下來亦將針對RIT訓練部份,開始計劃並實施,持續一步一腳印持續向前邁進,期待完成ICS救災架構的大拼圖,以應付各類型災害,除整合消防救災戰技與戰術外,也進一步提供市民更安全的服務。
There are seven hundred and sixty two firefighters, almost seventy percent, already got the FF1(Fire Fighter one) license in Taichung City Fire Department. About the CCIO(Command and Control of Incident Operation) training, all the fire unit chief and above had participated and passed it and seventy percent of fire unit squad leaders will join the training before the end of this year. Since Director Huan-Chang Hsiao was assigned to be the director of TCCFD, he always insisted promoting the system of American fire service operation and education. For example, the Fire Fighter one (FF1) training, the Incident Command System (ICS), and Command and Control of Incident Operation (CCIO)...,etc. He hopes those could be translated to some kind of local operation and training models, and be turned into the suitable system of the TCCFD in the future. TCCFD will pay attention to planning and holding the RIT training and continue move forward step by step. To expect we can success the ICS major structure puzzle to face various kinds of disaster, and not only integrate the skill and tactics but also provide the citizen safety.
Denver Drill
最後異動時間:2017-01-19 13:52:00
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