
(一版)臺中市政府消防局第七救災救護大隊辦理義消成果考評、婦宣趣味競賽、暑期消防營隊聯合活動 作者:第七救災救護大隊組員 林昭翰
譯者:第一救災救護大隊副大隊長 楊世葆


SEAN (Southeast Asian Nations, SEAN) Square is located on the front of Taichung City train station and was called “First Square” in old times. Under the city government’s transformation, the SEAN Square became a brand new one. It attracted many foreign shopping stores and also brought lots of business, and the LuChuan canal regularization also made the surroundings prosperity. All these things show the best paradigm of environment change.


The 7th Battalion, TCFD held a big campaign, for the old downtown prosperity, with many activities including volunteer fire fighter’s annual evaluation, female fire prevention promotion volunteer fun contest, and summer fire prevention camp in SEAN Square and the Luchuan Canal Shore Walkway in July 29th, 2018. The Chief of TCFD, Jack Hsiao, also attend the campaign and there are many volunteers of the 7th Battalion and children who participated summer prevention camp in this occasion. It is really a spectacular scene. In the Fire Chief’s speech, he first thanked the volunteers for their selfless devotion and expected all of them could support TCFD then we could protect the whole citizen’s life and property. He also hoped this fire prevention camp can make these kids feel satisfied and full in an easy and interesting way.


The volunteer fire fighter’s annual evaluation was held at the Luchuan Canal Shore Walkway, and the contest of evaluation includes basic rope access, rope traversing and low angle rope rescue. For this time evaluation contest, all the volunteer fire fighters had already practiced for couple months and expected can get good result and earn the honor.


The fire prevention volunteer fun competition was at the left side of SEAN Square. The games included crack shot game, rubber band delivering game and bubble blowing game. They did improve their team chemistry through the fun competition and showed their energy by team cheers.


The fire summer camp was at the right side of SEAN Square. There were kinds of station and award quiz for children to experience and answer, such as fire clothes wearing, water hose sparing and low pose moving in smoke. Those could let children learn knowledge of staying safe in emergence and escaping from danger through these fun contest, and it did works.


This campaign not only helped each volunteer team friendship growing, but also improved their rescue skills. Through these activities, we could strengthen the fire prevention concept of people and provide the protection for citizen’s life and property.
最後異動時間:2018-10-22 13:35:00
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